Deborah and Dorothea's Story

Deborah and Dorthea's Story

Meet Dorothea. She’s 83 years old and 12 years ago she had a stroke that forced her to make some changes in her life. That’s when she started coming to the Les Chater Family YMCA.

“When I was ready to leave the Hamilton General Hospital, they suggested I continue with rehab at the YMCA, and I’ve been here ever since,” Dorothea says.

Dorothea participates in the YMCA LiveWell program created in partnership with Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University. This 12-week program is designed for prevention and rehabilitation for individuals recovering from a health event—like a stroke or heart attack—and for those living with chronic health conditions. The goal is to improve mobility, strength, balance, gait and coordination, while also creating a space of belonging and community.

“It’s great! People are here to help you. If you’re not here, they worry about you,” she says.

Now, Meet Deborah. She’s 58 years old and she started coming to the LiveWell program at the Les Chater YMCA following a heart attack in 2020. She’s also Dorothea’s daughter.
After she had undergone at home rehab during the pandemic, Deborah was asked if she would like to participate in the Healthy Hearts program — a branch of the LiveWell program — and having seen how much it helped her mother, she immediately said yes.

Deborah says it feels good to be part of these programs because you no longer feel alone in your experience.

“We've all got the same problem. My mother is in the stroke program, so everybody's had a stroke. I'm in Healthy Hearts, so everybody's had something wrong with their heart,” she says.

“You'll say something like, ‘I really thought I was going crazy after my heart attack, because I just wasn't getting better.’ And now that you're here and you're talking to people, you realize that you’re not the only one going through this.”

“Coming here has given me a sense of community and belonging,” says Deborah. 
It’s that sense of community that keeps the mother and daughter coming back, even on the days when it feels difficult.

“It's okay to have a day when you don't feel well, and you don't feel like coming in. It doesn't mean you’re giving up; it just means you need a day of rest, and that's okay,” says Dorothea. 

“I call them my ‘Heart Family,’” says Deborah. “They really help. If somebody is struggling, we’re here for each other. We text each other or we talk to each other. If they don’t want to come to work out, we tell them to just come for coffee.”

Deborah and Dorothea have become so close with their YMCA community that they even help organize monthly lunches for the group. It’s a chance for them to connect in a different way and they often bring family or friends along. Deborah even helped organize a surprise bridal shower for one of the staff.

“We had her mom and dad, her grandma, her sister, brother-in-law and her husband, they all came, and we surprised her with all of them. It was so nice, because all of us Healthy Hearts did it together.”

It’s a testament to the strength of community created every day at our YMCA. Deborah and Dorothea both came to the Y following life-altering health events, and years later, they’re still here — being supported by their community and supporting them in return.

“It’s been a lifesaver. After my heart attack I couldn’t go back to work. I wasn’t getting out of bed,” says Deborah. “The Y has changed my life. I love getting up and getting ready to come to Healthy Hearts. Everybody is great and it’s just given me another purpose.”

Deborah has a final message for anyone thinking about participating in the LiveWell Program or joining the Y.

“Join. Don’t hesitate! Try it because it really helps your mental health. The Y and the people here, they make you want to get up in the morning.”

#Ignitepotential #TheYSavesLives #ShineOn 


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 You can read Deborah and Dorthea's story and more like it in our:

2023 Impact Report

